JWs gloating and boasting about their organization, saying there is none like it in the world, is tantamount to worship - idolatry - according to this verse:
"...and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?" - Revelation 13:4
JWs regularly point to their "powerful works" such as preaching in many lands, and having their literature translated in many languages, as proof that they have Jehovah and Jesus' approval. This isn't much different to the attitude of those that Jesus will reject according to this verse:
"Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord,+ did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’+ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’" - Matthew 7:22,23
JWs love to make a big deal about the origins and meanings of words in their efforts to find fault with, and proudly separate themselves from, the rest of christendom. They use such things to exalt themselves as having special knowledge that others lack and to draw away disaffected members of christendom. Think of the big fuss they make over the original meaning of the word stauros while they conveniently ignore the later usages that it acquired by Jesus' day. This attitude and the ugly fruits it produces is mentioned in this scripture:
"he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything.+ He is obsessed* with arguments and debates about words.+ These things give rise to envy, strife, slander,* wicked suspicions, 5 constant disputes about minor matters by men who are corrupted in mind+ and deprived of the truth, thinking that godly devotion is a means of gain." - 1 Timothy 6:4,5